Coaches & Organizations


I'm not just a target.

If there is one position that can be crucial to the outcome of a game, if would have to be the goaltender. Too often though, we see the goalie guessing, especially in high pressure situations. And then in big games, whatever is automatic will usually take over. In order to overcome this pressure and still maintain control and momentum, the goalie must obtain constant feedback based on the situations and execution issues they are actually facing in their games. They need to be able to recognize them and prepare for them in advance.
Unfortunately, most goalies are simply used in practice as targets, If you watch a typical practice, most goalie development is based on the following idea: "if 100 shots are good for the goalie then taking a 1000 will make him even better." The reason for this is pretty straight forward - most coaches don't know the specific timing, movement, coordination, and control factors which, if executed properly and in sequence, will give the goalie overall control in just about every game situation. So they line 'em up for shots or break-ins on the goalie with little to no preperation or recovery time.

​Although some coaches are able to provide instruction, its usually in the form  of general drills and time consuming. Its usually based on what they feel goalies at their level should be able to execute but not neccessarily based on actual game feedback. The better goalie does the drill better, the weaker goalie doesn't do it quite as well  but neither improve from doing the exercise. These type of filler drills are killers.

So what feedback can the coach provide that will give the goalie optimal development throughout the season?  From season to season?  What can your organization provide to all their coaches and to all their goalies? 

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